Sourcing Standards
We source our foods from around the globe, choosing to partner with specialist suppliers based in an ingredient’s growing region wherever possible. We have known many of our suppliers for decades and hold them to high standards when it comes to their social and environmental practices. We collect up-to-date information about their efforts each year and work with independent third-parties to verify them.
Minimising Packaging Waste
To make sure our products are as flavourful for as long as possible and to protect their quality till they reach you, we have to package them in glass jars, paper bags, aluminium cans, or plastic film. Our glass, paper, and metal packaging is recyclable, but our plastic packaging is not yet.
We’re completely rethinking our approach to packaging to use less, better, or no plastic. We’re working to make our plastic recyclable but until then, we use as little of it as possible to package our products, to reduce our packaging waste.
Feeding the Felix Kitchen
TRS is a proud partner of the Felix Project’s Felix Kitchen which cooks thousands of healthy and flavourful meals each day and distributes them to children and families in need across East London. We supply the kitchen with spices and pulses that they might find hard to come by otherwise.
The Felix Project is a London-based food redistribution charity set up in 2016 to fight food waste and hunger. They believe in a vision where no-one goes hungry and good food is never wasted.